Manufacture of New Tooling

In addtion to the repair and recondition of pocketed tooling we now have the capability to design and manufacture one off and low volume special new tools.

Using ZW 3D CADCAM software we can design and develop pocketed cutting tools to suit your exact needs.

Low volume or one off special tools are our forte and whether it be single pocket or complex multi-pocketed tooling we will work with you to ensure your tooling requirements are met.

In house 5-Axis machining using HURCO’s latest VMX30t CNC with built in pre and post measurement means you can expect the very best results.

CADCAM & CNC specifications:

Our CAM system is ZW 3D CAD/CAM

File extensions that can be managed include: IGS, STEP, STL, PS3, Parasolid file (x_t), DXF, DWC, Catia Graphics (CGR), Pro e Part (PRT), Solid works part file (SLDPRT) and Inverter part file, (IPT)

Dimensions: The VMX30t table size is 1020×510 and axis travel is x y z 762x508x610

Find Us

NTR Australasia
23 Hasp Street
Seventeen Mile Rocks
Queensland 4073

+617 3040 0912

NTR Australasia