About NTR Australasia

Established in 1976, NTR lead the field in the repair and reconditioning of pocketed cutting tools. Our continual commitment to process and product improvement has meant that as tooling technology has advanced so have we.
Today we are proud to offer you a complete tool room service covering all your cutting tool requirements.
We guarantee a minimum 50% saving on all tooling repaired, so please don’t hold back challenging us and we are the ONLY reclaimer to provide a certificate of conformity, guaranteeing our work.
All Tools Guaranteed to Perform as New
Advances made in materials science and CNC machining has enabled us to repair tooling which at one time would have been considered scrap.
We are the only tooling reclaimer to glass bead polish our customers’ tools allowing them to see exactly what work we have carried out.
This polishing not only guarantees seating accuracy but it also reduces the issue of blocked threads a common problem when tools have been black spray painted.
By only polishing our repaired tools, it also prevents unnecessary coolant contamination further prolonging the life of your cutting fluid, another common problem when tools have been black spray painted.
ISO Registration & Quality
ISO9001:2008 accredited we have invested heavily in leading edge measurement equipment to guarantee cutting accuracy each and every time our customers tools are repaired*.
All repaired rotary tooling comes with its own inspection certificate detailing the maximum radial and axial run out, to ensure your tools are within the manufacturer’s specified tolerance.
Investment in a Royal twin scope tool presetter for final inspection in addition to 6 in-line Trimos ensures we have the most robust inspection procedures within our industry.
As you would expect, internal and external calibration of these instruments takes place at regular intervals in accordance with ISO guidelines set out by the Company.
Our registration number is ISO EN 9001:2008 GB 17673 and our certificate is available upon request.
We are also proud to operate in accordance with environmental guidelines set out in ISO14001 and have a fully qualified competent person who manages the company’s health & safety.
Staff welfare and development is at the heart of our business and we invest not only in on-going staff training and development but we also regularly undertake health surveillance to ensure the long term wellbeing of our employees.
* We can repair damaged tools over and over again but we recommend that you replenish your tooling inventory at regular intervals.
Find Us
NTR Australasia
23 Hasp Street
Seventeen Mile Rocks
Queensland 4073
+617 3040 0912