Terms Of Sale

1. These terms are the only terms on which we accept goods for processing and apply to all orders, whether or not specifically referred to at the time of ordering. In the event of a customer’s order containing or being subject to conditions at variance with these terms, the latter shall prevail unless agreed in writing by our Managing Director prior to the work being undertaken. If the customer does not accept any of these terms as reasonable the matter must be raised in writing with us with a view to special terms being negotiated prior to the work being undertaken. No other variation of these terms shall be effective and delivery of goods to us for processing shall be taken as the customer’s acceptance of these terms.
2. Quotations hold good for the quantities stated and prices are subject to variation should the quantities be reduced.
3. Orders are not binding until formally accepted by us, and in the meantime prices are subject to alteration without notice.
4. Contract orders are accepted on the basis that our service will be provided within the agreed period any extension in the delivery period requested by the customer will attract an extra charge.
5. the time for delivery is given as accurately as possible, but is not guaranteed and is subject to extension to cover delay caused directly or indirectly by war, strikes, lock-outs, works breakdowns, delays in transport, accidents, Government prohibition or restriction, labour difficulties, fire or any cause beyond our reasonable control.
6. Errors and omissions are subject to correction.
7. Claims for goods rejected as damaged cannot be allowed unless goods have been signed for as “damaged” or “unexamined” and carriers and ourselves are notified within three days of delivery.
8. Orders once accepted by us cannot be cancelled without our consent in writing, and if consent is given a charge will be made to cover expenses and the cost of any work involved.
9. Whilst we endeavor to secure customer’s goods in our custody such goods are accepted at the sole risk of our customers who should arrange to insure them against fire damage, malicious damage, theft and such other risks as they think fit.
10. All contracts and orders shall be constructed in conformity with Australian Law.
Find Us
NTR Australasia
23 Hasp Street
Seventeen Mile Rocks
Queensland 4073
+617 3040 0912